Privacy Policy

The Visa Application Center has the following policy to protect the personal information and rights of users according to the Personal Information Protection Act and handle user's complaints related to personal information.

The Visa Application Center will notify you through the website announcement (or individual notification) if the privacy policy is revised.

1. Purpose of Handling Personal Information

The Visa Application Center handles personal information for the following purposes: the handled personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes.

a. Sign up and management (mobile apps only)

We will handle personal information for the purpose of identifying members and confirming membership, identifying and certifying individuals through membership service provision, maintaining and managing membership status, keeping various notices and notices, and keeping records for dispute settlement.

b. Provision of goods or services

We handle personal information for the purpose of providing services and content

c. Usage in marketing and advertisement

We handle personal information for the purpose of providing event and advertising information and participation opportunities.

2. Items of personal information handled and retention period

① The Visa Application Center will handle and retain personal information within the period of retention and usage of the personal information agreed upon when the personal information is collected or the period of possession or use of personal information or information subject to statute.

② Each personal information handling and retention period is as follows.

The personal information related to the mobile membership is held and used for the purpose of use from the date of the consent to collection and use.

- Collected items: mobile phone number, password, login ID (email), name

- Collected from: visa application mobile application sign-up

- Retention and usage period: until separate withdrawal / in case of inactive account, 5 years from the day of dormancy

The personal information related to the application for the visit is held and used for the above purpose of use from the day of the collection and usage agreement.

- Collected items: name, mobile phone number

- Collected from: registration for visit for visa application

- Retention and usage period: 14 days

Personal information related to 1: 1 consultation will be held and used for the purpose of use from the day of collection and usage agreement.

- Collected items: name, mobile phone number, e-mail

- Collected from: 1: 1 consultation application

- Retention and usage period: 3 years for members / 14 days for non-members

Related Laws:

1) Records on contract or withdrawal of subscription: 5 years

2) Records of consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years

3) Record of indication / advertisement: 6 months

3. Personal information handling consignment

① The Visa Application Center consigns the following personal information handling tasks for handling of personal information business.

- Consignee (trustee): Hana Tour Co., Ltd.

- Contents of consigned work: Visa Application Center website operation, Visa Application Center operation

- Consignment period : Manila Center 2023. 08. 14 ~

② The Visa Application Center shall specify responsibilities for the prohibition of personal information handling, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-entrustment, management and supervision of fiduciaries, compensation for damages, etc. on documents such as contracts according to Article 25 of Personal Information Protection Act when signing the consignment contract and supervises whether the trustee handles personal information securely.

③ If the contents of the consignment service or the consignee change, we will disclose it through this personal information handling policy without delay.

4. Rights and duties of information subject and legal representatives and how to exercise them

① The information subject can exercise the rights such as viewing, correcting, deleting and suspending the handling of personal information at any time to the Visa Application Center.

② The exercise of the rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 above may be done in writing, e-mail or fax in accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Visa Application Center will take action without delay.

③ The exercise of the rights under Paragraph (1) may be done through the legal representative of the information subject or the agent who has been consigned. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney according to Form 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act.

④ The right of the information subject to for correction and deletion of personal information may be restricted according to Article 35 (5) and 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑤ The request for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be made if the personal information is stated to be collected in another statute.

⑥ The Visa Application Center confirms whether the applicant is the applicant itself or a legitimate representative of the applicant when a request to view, correct or delete, or stop handling is made pursuant to the right of information subject.

5. Destruction of personal information

- Destruction procedure

The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after completion of the purpose (separate documents in the case of paper) and is stored or temporarily destroyed after a certain period of time according to internal policies and other related laws. At this time, the personal information transferred to the DB is not used for other purposes unless it is under the law.

- Destruction period

In the case where the personal information of the user has elapsed, it is destructed within 5 days from the end of the retention period of personal information, if the personal information is no longer needed due to accomplishment of the purpose of handling personal information, abolishment of the service, and termination of the business, it is destroyed within 5 days from the day when it is recognized that the handling of the personal information is unnecessary.

- Destruction method

Information in the form of electronic files should be destructed using a technical method through which the records cannot be reproduced.

Personal information printed on paper shall be crushed by paper shredder or destroyed by incineration.

6. Installation, operation and rejection of personal information automatic collector

① The Visa Application Center uses “cookies” to store usage information and to retrieve it from time to time to provide personalized services.

② Cookies are a small amount of information sent by the server (http) used to run the website to the user's computer browser and may be stored on the hard disk of the user's PC.

a. Purpose of Cookie: It is used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the types of visits and usage of each service and websites visited by users, popular searches, and security access.

b. Installation • operation of cookies and refusal: You can refuse to store cookies via the Options setting in the Tools> Internet Options> Privacy menu at the top of your web browser.

c. If you refuse to store cookies, you may have difficulty using customized services.

7. Writing of personal information protection manager

① The Visa Application Center is responsible for the handling of personal information, and has designated the person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints of the information subject related to the handling of personal information and to remedy the damage.

▶ Personal information protection manager



Position : ATTORNEY

Contact : +02-7978-9900 /

※ It leads to personal information protection department.

② The information subject can make inquiries regarding personal information protection, complaint handling, damage relief, etc. made while using the Visa Application Center service (or business) to the person in charge of personal information protection and the responsible department.

The Visa Application Center will answer and respond to inquiries from the Information subject without delay.

8. Change of personal information handling policy

① This personal information handling policy will be applied from the effective date. If there are additions, deletions and corrections of the changes according to laws and policies, we will notify them through announcements 7 days before the implementation of the changes.

Privacy policy version number 1.1

Enforcement date of personal information handling policy    August 14 day, 2023

Last modification date of personal information handling policy     November 30, 2023

9. Measures to ensure the safety of personal information

a. Minimization and training of personal information handling staff

Employees who deal with personal information are designated and limited to the person in charge, and measures are taken to minimize the number of persons handling the personal information.

b. Encryption of personal information

The personal information of the user is encrypted and stored and managed so that only the user can know, and the important data is handled using separate security functions such as encrypting the file and transmission data or using the file lock function.

c. Restricted access to personal information

We take necessary measures to control access to personal information through granting, modifying, and deleting access rights to the database system that handles personal information. We also control unauthorized access from outside by using an intrusion prevention system.

d. Using locks for document security

We keep documents with personal information and auxiliary storage media in a safe place with locks.